Get Paid to be you!

Hi, I'm Kate,

People tell me that I'm retired! Here's the thing.

I have lived a busy life, farming in New Zealand, having three children and subsequently a few grandchildren. Never a dull moment, is how I remember it.

Now, I'm into the next phase of my life.

Having purchased a motorhome I'm intending to live life on my terms, see more of New Zealand and have adventures along the way.

One of which has been jumping into the online business of high-ticket affiliate marketing, which I can do quite easily as I travel. It's easy to set up mobile internet.

The three main reasons for this are:

a) to keep the grey matter working.

b) to help finance my adventures.

c) to create abundance.

Are you also ready to take the next step into your new life? Life on your terms?

Design a life so authentic that you get paid to be exactly who you are, crafting a meaningful impact with every moment lived.

If I can retire from the traditional 9-5,

what is stopping you?

Why join the community?

Over 500 People

in Our Community.

7+ Years Experience

in Affiliate Marketing

Access to International

6-Figure Earner Events

Complete Business

Support & Blueprint

+ you get to make lifelong connections while creating financial freedom for you and your family.

How did i get here?

It took me so long to work out that I should be looking after myself more. That I needed to discover who is Kate? At my very core, who am I? This required a huge life change.


And so, I set my intention to change my life. It wasn't an easy decision. I had doubts and fears which I had to push through. However, once I had set my intention and didn't waver, the synchronicities that occurred not only kept me on track but provided alternative paths.


I left a 50 year marriage to begin my own life. It's a huge leap of faith to leave the security of a marriage even if you do manage to remain friends. But I have a calling, and I believe in myself.


I've worked long days, 7 days a week for most of my life. Work has become second nature. But I have build a good work ethic. Travelling and working online will be a change of lifestyle and pace, but nevertheless I believe that I can achieve success and happiness.


You read and hear about changing the mindset so much, in books, radio, YouTube, podcasts etc. etc. and you know what? It is so true. If you cut out the limiting beliefs, which you've probably had all your life and replace them with positive, empowering beliefs - Your life will change. My life has changed and will continue to change. Of course you also need a wonderful, loving support system of family, friends and colleagues. I'm so lucky to have this.



and do it alongside our supportive community.


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